OrganizationAmount ($) Bussey Fire & EMS$10,200 Clay Township Fire & EMS10,200 Columbia Fire & EMS10,200 Indiana Township Fire & EMS10,200 Knoxville City Fire & EMS21,200 Knoxville Township Fire 15,200 Melcher-Dallas Fire & EMS15,200 Pella...
OrganizationAmount ($)Project AA & NA of Pella$712Tables & brochure stand American Legion Post 6321,200Facility modernization Building Blocks Preschool1,500Kinesthetic Learning Center consumable supplies Bussey Community Library1,250Upgrade media equipment...
OrganizationAmount ($)Project 725 Ministries$2,500Computer/equipment American Legion Auxiliary2,863Grave markers American Legion Post 6322,000Refurbish building & safety equipment Bethany Christian Services650Post-adoption mentor program tools Building Blocks...
OrganizationAmount ($)Project Building Blocks Preschool$1,000Shelving, tables, chairs & vacuum Bussey, City of 750Three trees in North Park Bussey, City of1,500Benches Bussey Community Library600Computer desk & chair Central College2,000Reading experience...
OrganizationAmount ($)Project Bethany Christian Services$600Projector & screen Building Blocks Preschool1,300Computer & printer Bussey Community Library3,600Automatic door openers Bussey, City of2,200Completion of North Park stage Bussey, City of3,000North...
OrganizationAmount ($)Project Building Blocks Preschool$2,000Sci-Explore cart/curriculum City of Bussey2,500Park facilities rehab City of Pella 2,700ADA picnic table Christian Opportunity Center2,000Life skills renovation Fair Haven West, Inc.3,500Gazebo/therapeutic...