Bethany Christian Services | $600 | Projector & screen |
Building Blocks Preschool | 1,300 | Computer & printer |
Bussey Community Library | 3,600 | Automatic door openers |
Bussey, City of | 2,200 | Completion of North Park stage |
Bussey, City of | 3,000 | North Park basketball park |
Central College | 2,100 | Sports analytics conference |
Crossroads of Pella | 2,500 | Books for graduating seniors |
Families First of Pella | 1,000 | Early learning mentoring |
Fellowship Uniting Neighbors | 5,000 | Back-to-school supplies, Knoxville |
Habitat for Humanity Marion | 2,500 | Repairs at new office site |
Handicapped Equipment Len | 3,000 | Knoxville Recreation changing table |
Heartland Community Garden | 850 | Waterline to garden and supplies |
Helping Hands | 2,500 | Renovations of property |
Historic Trust of Pella | 4,000 | Tuttle House |
Knoxville Community Schools | 5,000 | Educational mini-grant |
Knoxville High School | 5,000 | CNC milling machine |
Knoxville Public Library | 1,000 | Summer reading program |
Knoxville Senior Center | 2,000 | Lounge furniture |
Marion County Humane Society | 1,000 | Spay/neuter assistance for low-income families |
Melcher-Dallas, City of | 3,000 | Protective playground mat |
Melcher-Dallas Community Schools | 3,000 | Education mini-grant |
Melcher-Dallas Food Pantry | 1,500 | Install metal roof |
Melcher-Dallas Library | 2,500 | Computer wiring and new server |
Pella Amateur Radio Club | 1,000 | High power marine batteries |
Pella Arts Council | 1,000 | Odyssey of the Mind Worlds |
Pella Community Food Shelf | 3,000 | Commercial grade refrigerator |
Pella Community Schools | 5,000 | Educational mini-grant |
Pella Early Learning Center | 1,000 | Kitchen stove |
Pella Historical Society | 400 | Miniature village display system |
Pine Rest Mental Health | 2,000 | Law enforcement de-escalation training |
Pleasantville Betterment | 3,100 | New ball field surfaces |
Pleasantville Community Schools | 3,000 | Educational mini-grant |
Pleasantville Human Development | 2,000 | Back-to-school event |
Pleasantville Senior Center | 800 | Upright freezer |
Pregnancy Care Center | 1,500 | Mobile communication project |
Stepping Stones | 1,500 | Creative curriculum for infants |
Twin Cedars Community Schools | 3,000 | Educational mini-grants |