OrganizationAmount ($)
A Call to Serve Ministries$1,000
Building Blocks Preschool2,000
Bussey Community Library450
Central College1,500
Christian Opportunity Center2,000
Crossroads of Pella550
Fair Haven West1,000
First United Methodist Church1,500
Habitat for Humanity of Marion County2,000
Helping Hand Food Pantry2,500
Hospice of Pella1,200
Knoxville Alumni/S.O.S. Committee2,000
Knoxville Community Schools2,000
Knoxville Downtown Streetscape2,000
Knoxville High School2,500
Marion County Historical Society2,000
Marion County Humane Society2,000
Marion County Community Foundation3,885
Marion County Genealogical Society1,000
Melcher-Dallas Community Schools1,000
Pella Christian Grade School1,000
Pella Community Day Care1,000
Pella Community Schools2,000
Pella Historical Society1,000
Pella Public Library350
Pella Soccer Club1,500
Pleasantville City Council1,500
Pleasantville Community Schools1,000
Pleasantville High School1,000
Pleasantville Memorial Hall1,000
Scholte House Museum750
Stepping Stones Early Learning Center2,000
Teen Challenge of the Midwest400
Twin Cedars Community Schools1,000