OrganizationAmount ($)Project
Bethany Christian Services$600Projector & screen
Building Blocks Preschool1,300Computer & printer
Bussey Community Library3,600Automatic door openers
Bussey, City of2,200Completion of North Park stage
Bussey, City of3,000North Park basketball park
Central College2,100Sports analytics conference
Crossroads of Pella2,500Books for graduating seniors
Families First of Pella1,000Early learning mentoring
Fellowship Uniting Neighbors5,000Back-to-school supplies, Knoxville
Habitat for Humanity Marion2,500Repairs at new office site
Handicapped Equipment Len3,000Knoxville Recreation changing table
Heartland Community Garden850Waterline to garden and supplies
Helping Hands2,500Renovations of property
Historic Trust of Pella4,000Tuttle House
Knoxville Community Schools5,000Educational mini-grant
Knoxville High School5,000CNC milling machine
Knoxville Public Library1,000Summer reading program
Knoxville Senior Center2,000Lounge furniture
Marion County Humane Society1,000Spay/neuter assistance for low-income families
Melcher-Dallas, City of3,000Protective playground mat
Melcher-Dallas Community Schools3,000Education mini-grant
Melcher-Dallas Food Pantry1,500Install metal roof
Melcher-Dallas Library2,500Computer wiring and new server
Pella Amateur Radio Club1,000High power marine batteries
Pella Arts Council1,000Odyssey of the Mind Worlds
Pella Community Food Shelf3,000Commercial grade refrigerator
Pella Community Schools5,000Educational mini-grant
Pella Early Learning Center1,000Kitchen stove
Pella Historical Society400Miniature village display system
Pine Rest Mental Health2,000Law enforcement de-escalation training
Pleasantville Betterment3,100New ball field surfaces
Pleasantville Community Schools3,000Educational mini-grant
Pleasantville Human Development2,000Back-to-school event
Pleasantville Senior Center800Upright freezer
Pregnancy Care Center1,500Mobile communication project
Stepping Stones 1,500Creative curriculum for infants
Twin Cedars Community Schools3,000Educational mini-grants